Nothing Compares to Dramatic Pragmatics
Dramatic Pragmatics has transformed my children. Both of my boys struggled with social skills/pragmatics and Dramatic Pragmatics gave them the language, tools and confidence to walk into any room and feel comfortable and successful. Barbara, Alex and the rest of the team are absolute magicians. They truly "get" children and can pin point the subtle and intangible language deficits that lead to social anxiety and social awkwardness. They build children up with positive reinforcement and use effective language and tools to help children recognize and overcome any social obstacle that they may face. Over the past 6 years I have been to many different speech therapists (including top rated therapists in the city) and nothing compares to Dramatic Pragmatics. My oldest child "graduated" after 4 years of group therapy and now, at age 7, he is one of the most well liked kids in camp, school and on his sports teams. And more importantly, he is an extremely happy child with a strong sense of self and a true understanding of what it means to be a good friend. As a Mom, I could not ask for more! Dramatic Pragmatics is one of the biggest gifts you can give your child. I highly recommend it!
Amy F., Harrison, NY